Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shark Cage Diving Update: Underwater Pics!

I sort of randomly ran into the guy who I split the underwater camera with, and he gave me the print outs and a disc with the photos so I wanted to share some of them with you all so you can really get an idea of what the shark cage diving experience was like. As I said before there were times when, if I'd been dumb enough to stick my arms out of the cage, I could have literally touched the sharks. The pictures aren't exactly Nat Geo worthy, but I'm still pretty excited that a few of them came out really nicely! Enjoy!
On a side note, I went to an information session put on by the company that took me on the shark cage diving trip (they're called 2Way Travel: they cater to international students in South Africa) and they spoke to us about some amazing trips they organize for our mid-semester break and shorter weekend trips around the country or into the nearby countries) and they raffled off a few things. Turns out I won a free shark cage diving trip! I was a little disappointed that I didn't win a four day trip to Kruger National Park to camp in tree houses but hopefully I can find someone willing to buy my voucher so I can start a fund for a 10 day trip to Botswana to see Victoria Falls and go on a walking safari in one of the most beautiful game preserves in the world. It's toted as a once-in-a-lifetime experience, where we'll get to see the big five (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhino), go to a lion rehabilitation center and walk with lions, go on sunset boat rides, do a night safari, etc. Only R12,800: so if you have any donations you'd like to send, just email me and I'll get you my address here:) Many thanks!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet shark shots! I'm jealous, that looks very cool. I hope you can save up for the Botswana trip! Victoria Falls! isn't that one of the largest waterfalls (if not the largest) on the planet?

